Building liblo for other platforms

This document describes how to build liblo for platforms that require special configuration.

Building liblo for Microsoft Visual Studio

Some Windows users prefer to use Microsoft Visual Studio to the well-supported MSYS2 environment.

For them, an alternative configuration system is supported by liblo using the excellent CMake utility. The cmake folder contains a file called CMakeLists.txt. To use it, you must first install CMake either through your favorite package manager (such as MSYS2’s pacman, or Chocolatey, NuGet, etc), or by going to,

Once CMake has been installed, you can run it as a GUI program, or run it from the command-line specifying the “generator” as your version of Visual Studio, and adding Win64 if you want a 64-bit build. Note that you must run it from the cmake folder, NOT the project’s main directory:

> cd liblo\cmake
> C:\<path to>\cmake.exe -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64"

You can specify some options such as enable/disalbing the C++ tests, examples, tests, static library build, and command-line tools. You can also choose to enable or disable the lo_server_thread interface via the THREADING option. On Windows, the Win32 threading API is used, therefore there is no longer a need to install the pthreads library on Windows.

Building liblo for Android

The build directory contains a script called Ensure that the variables at the top of the script conform to where you have installed the Android NDK, and to the platform you wish to target.

The default values are:


Then, run the script from the build directory:

$ ./

The script will run configure in a cross-compilation mode. It will only work if you have not previously run configure in the liblo directory.

If the script gives an error, examine build/android/config.log. Otherwise, it should successfully create an ARM binary file in the directory build/android/src/.libs.